Welcome to Gypsy's Journal

where magic and adventure await the open mind

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 1 - Surprise AZ to Cedar City UT via Wickenburg AZ

I didn't end up leaving as early as I originally planned but I WAS on the road by 7:15. It had been ages since I travelled anywhere outside my own neighborhood so everything was interesting. I stopped briefly at Hoover Dam, took a few pictures, and it was back on the road. It was a long drive and I didn't realize that I was actually going to be driving through downtown Las Vegas. Fairly easy to make it through. Arrived in a very hot Cedar City around 4pm. I seriously thought about taking a nap but couldn't sleep. Hit the pavement (after asking for directions) and true to form, got lost along the way. Now, how is it possible to get lost by walking to the light, taking a left, walking three blocks and it would be on my left? Well, it wasn't on my left. I eventually found it by following the group of people in front of me. The return trip was actually twice as long...I guess I should have walked to two lights...they even had signs! My feet really hurt and I didn't like that it was dark and too quiet. I decided to drive tomorrow night.

The show this evening was MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. The University has the Governor's Honors Camp (incoming high school seniors). There were MANY of them there; some even fell asleep! There was a lot of sighing and I came to the conclusion that high school students are the same everywhere. One girl told her teacher that she didn't understand anything...hey, they even gave a synopsis in the Playbill AND they do 15 minute orientations before the show. Hmmm.
People, in general, were very nice and they were HAPPY. (that was meant to be funny but also true). Also, before the play was the Green Show -- held on the green outside the theatre. That show tonight was the Irish show and all the songs, stories, and dances were Irish themed. Very fun.

It was a very long day and I was anxious to check email and all...wi-fi would not connect in my room. The room was clean and had all the amenities just no usuable internet connection.

One new thing I learned today: There is a Joshua Forest Parkway of Arizona on the road from Wickenburg to Kingman.

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